Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy is the application of red and near infra-red light over injuries or lesions to improve wound/soft tissue healing. Laser therapy using the Metron System involves placing the laser wand directly on the area of injury. This allows the laser diode to transmit photon energy to penetrate the tissue. Photons are particles of light energy that are absorbed by a variety of micro-molecules within the cell. This process initiates a number of physiological responses that are beneficial for healing. In simpler terms, light energy is converted into biochemical energy which helps to restore normal cell structure and function.
Laser Therapy is used to:
- Increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair.
- Provide pain relief.
- Resolve Inflammation.
- An alternative to needles for acupuncture.
Laser Therapy is used to:
- Increase the speed, quality and tensile strength of tissue repair.
- Provide pain relief.
- Resolve Inflammation.
- An alternative to needles for acupuncture.
Laser therapy can be used to treat the following conditions:
- Pain Relief (muscles, joint, nerves)
- Whiplash - Plantar Fasciitis - Wound Healing - Trauma - Arthritis - Migraine headaches - Lower back pain - Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) - Tendonitis - Fibromyalgia/Myofascial - Sprains and strains |
- Post-operative pain
- Post-operative wounds - Knee, foot, ankle pain - Tennis Elbow - Golfer's Elbow - TMJ (jaw problems) - Soft tissue injuries - Swelling - Burns - Pressure sores - Herpes simplex (cold sores) - Acne - Rotator Cuff Injury - Heel Spurs |
How long are the treatments?
Treatments can vary in time depending on the type and location of the condition. The Laser is applied multiple times to cover the area in question and in short bursts that can last up to 2 minutes each. Research studies show that it may be more effective to treat at lower doses at multiple intervals then to treat a single time with a higher dose.
How often are the treatments and how many are needed?
Depending on the condition, treatments are typically done three times per week for at least 8 to 12 treatments on average.
Clinical Effects of Laser Therapy
An appropriate dose of light can improve speed and quality of acute and chronic wound healing, soft tissue healing, pain relief, improve the immune system and nerve regeneration. There are no side effects reported with the use of laser therapy.