Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese art of healing that has been around for 4000 years. It has become a popular alternative to Western Medicine over the past few decades. Many prestigious hospitals, universities and medical schools such as McMaster now have accredited acupuncture departments. Acupuncture is most commonly being used for its analgesic (pain killing) properties. It is even used for gall bladder surgeries, knee operations and even as an alternative to narcotics and epidural injections during childbirth. Dr. Perossa has used acupuncture to help one of his patients deliver her beautiful baby girl, Maya.
Dr. Bruce Pomeranz, neurobiology professor at the University of Toronto, has performed extensive research on the pain relieving effects of acupuncture. He has demonstrated that by inserting acupuncture needles into certain areas of the body, the brain began to release chemicals, known as endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s own, naturally made pain killers. It has a morphine-like action and it stops the normal pain pathways.
Dr. Perossa’s has successfully treated various pain conditions using this natural, drug free method. Low back pain, sciatica, migraines, chronic headaches, joint sprains, arthritis, digestive problems, and whiplash are some of the conditions treated at Dr. Perossa’s clinic. In the case of low back pain, acupuncture needles are placed in various locations on the body, such as near the thumb, in the lower leg just below the knee and in the area around the low back where the pain is being felt. These needles are very fine, almost hair-like, and are all pre-sterilized. Needles are disposed of after every use. The insertion of these needles is virtually pain free. If you are afraid of needles, then a point stimulator or laser can be used instead.
Dr. Perossa has also been successful using acupuncture in treating weight loss, to stop smoking and for infertility.
The stop smoking program typically consists of 6 treatments over a one month period for those who smoke a pack or less per day. The success rate is about 80% for this method! Much higher than the other alternatives that are on the market.
There is little doubt that acupuncture and other forms of alternative treatments, such as chiropractic and massage therapy, occupy an important place in our health care. Besides being healthy and drug-free, it is a safe, effective and cost efficient form of therapy.
Dr. Bruce Pomeranz, neurobiology professor at the University of Toronto, has performed extensive research on the pain relieving effects of acupuncture. He has demonstrated that by inserting acupuncture needles into certain areas of the body, the brain began to release chemicals, known as endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s own, naturally made pain killers. It has a morphine-like action and it stops the normal pain pathways.
Dr. Perossa’s has successfully treated various pain conditions using this natural, drug free method. Low back pain, sciatica, migraines, chronic headaches, joint sprains, arthritis, digestive problems, and whiplash are some of the conditions treated at Dr. Perossa’s clinic. In the case of low back pain, acupuncture needles are placed in various locations on the body, such as near the thumb, in the lower leg just below the knee and in the area around the low back where the pain is being felt. These needles are very fine, almost hair-like, and are all pre-sterilized. Needles are disposed of after every use. The insertion of these needles is virtually pain free. If you are afraid of needles, then a point stimulator or laser can be used instead.
Dr. Perossa has also been successful using acupuncture in treating weight loss, to stop smoking and for infertility.
The stop smoking program typically consists of 6 treatments over a one month period for those who smoke a pack or less per day. The success rate is about 80% for this method! Much higher than the other alternatives that are on the market.
There is little doubt that acupuncture and other forms of alternative treatments, such as chiropractic and massage therapy, occupy an important place in our health care. Besides being healthy and drug-free, it is a safe, effective and cost efficient form of therapy.